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Shut Up & Work!

Everything changed for me when I stopped talking and telling everyone around me what I was up to and just shut my mouth and in and day out!
Sometimes, You just got to shut your mouth and get to work on your dream, your crazy ideas and the thing you are most passionate about.
Not sharing my vision with the world or needing anyone's feedback or permission led me to what I consider to be meaningful work....led me to people who care about my message and my art and led me towards the greatest sense of joy and fulfilment.
My advice is simple don't share your vision and dreams and talk about your grand plan with people who simply won't get it.
Work on it, build it and share it with people who will care and luckily for me I eventually found a small group of 600,000 people, who care and that means the world to me.
Keep your mouth shut, keep your ideas and vision close to your heart, dedicate yourself to your craft and work tirelessly to create your masterpiece.

(Via Joe Duncan)