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Frank Noble - Dear XXL (Exclusive Audio)

Frank Noble - Dear XXL (Exclusive Audio)

One of β€œSouth Centrals most slept on” But not for long… Frank Noble is ready to take the game by storm. It wasn’t until the age of 15, that Noble realized his talent for rapping. Noble’s first Mixtape dates back to 2008, now you can find his 2018 Release Fuc The Hoox, Vol. 1, among others on iTunes, Spotify, and Tidal. With his street wise lyrics, tight beats, and masterful use of metaphors Noble makes music people can relate to. Describing his sound as β€œReality Rap” not to be confused with β€œGangster Rap”, music based on his experiences in life, many of the same things that young men and women have experienced and are still experiencing today. Noble is not your typical rapper of today. As you listen to his raspy voice penetrating banging beats, you too will realize that he has something that needs to be heard.

Fuc The Hoox Vol.1  out on ITunes , Spotify, Tidal, and all major online stores.
Follow the Next West Thing IG @Franknobleda1


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