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Welcome to the final QTR of 2017!

Welcome to the final QTR of 2017!

By Joe Duncan

What does your scoreboard look like after the first 3 quarters of 2017?

If you are behind and the score board of 2017 is not in your favour and you aren't where you hoped to be in 2017 then you're going to need to step things up, make some BIG changes and perform at your highest level for the next 90 days or so.

You are going to have to FOCUS on the exact outcomes you want and commit your entire being to achieving those outcomes. You're going to have to be disciplined in your actions and manage yourself & your time to achieve the results and outcomes you want.

If you aren't where you wanted to be up to this point in your life and in 2017, you will need EVERY DAY until the end of the year to actually make something of the year and yourself.

You have no time to waste thinking about the upcoming holiday period, thanks giving, Christmas, New Years, football season and parties.....You don't get a holiday, if you are behind on your life and behind on you goals.

Holidays and good times can be enjoyed to their full extent when you start producing, when you start winning and when you start seeing some consistent results.

Right now all your energy and focus should be on hustling, grinding and working to create a better life for yourself. All your attention should be on production and getting a few wins under your belt, so you can carry a tremendous amount of forward momentum heading into 2018 and work towards your best year and best results ever.

Work up until the last day of 2017 and make this quarter your best quarter EVER....You can do it!

Stop being lazy and doing nothing, GET UP and work, go out and change your life, start running some powerful and impactful daily habits and routines. Do the things you know you should be doing and do something and achieve something meaningful this quarter.

Don't squander your time and talents anymore, it's no longer acceptable because you know better!

Make Q4 2017 really count and be a period in your life that you look back on as a defining time in your life.


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