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Woman Supplies Tech To Less Fortunate!

Woman Supplies Tech To Less Fortunate!

I love this story and this concept because one thing I am passionate about is ensuring our kids don't fall behind or feel left out. So much of our self worth and self identity is tied to our childhood and upbringing.

Working as a guidance counselor in Palm Beach County, Estella Pyfrom noticed that fewer students had access to a computer after school. The sluggish economy forced many families to use their money for more pressing needs, such as paying their mortgage or rent, so she knew it was a serious problem.•Without a computer at home, or reliable transportation to get to a computer, Pyfrom feared that many of these students would get left behind, so she bought a bus, filled it with computers and brought technology to the kids.•Her mobile computer lab, Estella's Brilliant Bus, has provided free, computer-based tutoring for thousands of students since 2011, and is outfitted with 17 computer stations that are connected to high-speed Internet via satellite.

The computers are loaded with educational software, providing interactive exercises that reinforce state-mandated curricula.

The children receive their own account login and password, allowing them to continue their work from anywhere else and they can only advance to the next level in a subject once they reach 90% proficiency in the current one, and the software allows Pyfrom to track their progress.•Pyfrom is determined to help poor children get the same educational opportunities as other children, so Estella's Brilliant Bus travels to schools, shelters and community centers throughout Palm Beach County, Florida.•Estella and her army of volunteers hold regular classes and tutoring sessions about four days a week. They offer lessons in computer and Internet basics as well as reading, math or science classes that supplement what children are learning in school.

Estella's Brilliant Bus provides about 8,000 hours of instruction to at least 500 children a year. She hopes the extra time will help bring students up to their grade level in reading, vocabulary, math, science and life skills.

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