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5 Tips To Help Build Your Personal Brand

5 Tips To Help Build Your Personal Brand

I thought I would put together a quick checklist for you guys, to help you with building your personal brand. ~ If you're not sure what I'm talking about check out my last post about investing 50% of your time building your personal brand. ~ I want you all to get into the habit of putting yourself out there and creating a name for yourself in whatever industry or sector you are in or would like to be in. ~ Grab your calendar and note pad and let's get to work with mapping out the simple things you can do each month to build your brand. ~ Contact 10 new people via email, direct message, letter or by picking up that thing you're holding now and making a phone call. Get comfortable with introducing yourself and get used to reaching out and finding a way to connect with people in you're industry or people who have a similar passion or vision. ~ Set up 8 meetings for the month ahead. That's only 2 a week. It can be a lunch meeting or a simple 20 minute coffee just to catch up and stay connected. It can be old colleagues, competitors, a person you admire or someone new to your contact list. ~ Get online and create 3 posts every day that cover your expertise, life experience or your unique ideas that you want to share with the world. Hopefully you guys are by now only using social media to make connections, share your ideas and build your brand. That's all it should be used for... ~ Finally, have a look at the month ahead and see what trade shows, expo's or events you could attend to build your brand and make new connections. It might be a charity golf day or an opportunity to help out in your local community. You want to try and attend 1 event every week at the very least. ~ Well, that's only 4 things Joe? It's true maths was never my strong suit but my final point is more like a daily exercise. ~ You always want to be interested in other people but it's just as important to become an interesting person, who knows a few cool things... so every day, I want you to invest 20 minutes learning something new that you can share with others about your industry or sector. ~ That's it guys, hopefully that gives you the confidence to take action and start building your brand.

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