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Start Doing What You Are Supposed To Be Doing

Start Doing What You Are Supposed To Be Doing

Stop lying to yourself, it's time to stop playing games and coming up with excuse after excuse. ~ You know why you're not where you want to be? ~ You're neglecting to do your part of deal and you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing. ~ I've been there before, I know what it's like to blame everyone and everything else for my failures, my stuff ups and my life. ~ But no matter what story you tell yourself and what excuses you come up with, your life isn't going to change until you change! Until you take full responsibility for yourself and your life. ~ You already know what you should be doing every day, but you're lazy, you're choosing to neglect the things you need to do each day to excel and move forward. ~ So let's stop playing around and get back in the game and start doing our job! ~ Set some real goals for yourself. Stop living a life without a sense of direction and purpose. ~ Get back to work. Stop taking days and plays off. You don't get paid to chill out. Step up and work. Work around the clock and out perform your competition. ~ Do what needs to be done. Face your fears, deal with your challenges and learn to remove the emotion from daily life. You want to get ahead, then go about it without the drama. ~ Stop whining, crying and complaining. You don't get paid to create problems, you get paid to solve problems and find solutions. The same is true for your work as it is for your relationships and any other part of your life. Yes, I get that you're hard done by, the world is against you... But no one cares, so out work your situation and put yourself in a position to create change. ~ 2018 is the year you return to the hustle. No more complaining, no more excuses and more performing at level that is less than your best. ~ You want to be KING. Then you have earn it. ~ You want to be the Queen of the kingdom. Then work. Work on every area of your life and be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams. ~ Start doing what you're supposed to be doing, so we never have to have this conversation again. ~ You work as hard as you have to, to master yourself, master your craft and build your empire! End of story!

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Tove Styrke - Say My Name

Tove Styrke - Say My Name