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The Vision for the Streets " Video Wes"

The Vision for the Streets " Video Wes"



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My Name is Justin Wesley, I go by Videowes (Video Wes). I was born and raised in Chicago, IL. I started learning photography and videography in 2010, as a Mass Communications Specialist for the United States Navy. There my job was as a photojournalist, event photographer, film producer, and on-camera talent. As a photographer for the Navy, I learned to shoot in many different environments. My lighting was always changing when shooting, and I had to learn to adjust quickly because it was my job. I was Honorably discharged from the Navy in 2015, and from that point, I took my Freelance photography work seriously. I started shooting at a local night club in Virginia Beach, Va, as a way to get into the entertainment field. Due to my experience in the Navy, I had the Fundamentals down pact when it came to shooting photography, however, I had to learn how to capture the essence of a party, to create images that depicted the vibes of that event. I quickly rose to prominence as a photographer in Virginia, however, there was a lot of competition. Many photographers in Virginia were low balling, and due to the low demand for high-quality work, I had to separate myself from the pack somehow. That is when I got into shooting videos heavily, as well as coining my name “VideoWes”. As a videographer, I combined the skills I used as a photographer for capturing the vibe, with videography and was able to become a master of capturing the vibes of a party in the film. This Skill set took me all over the world and Landed me on some large stages in throughout the country. I have shot for many artists and celebrities over the years. I am committed to the life of a full-time media professional. 

What drives me to keep going with photography is the importance of it. I am privileged to have the ability to take amazing photos, and capture moments that will last forever. 

Photography has inspired me to look at the world from all angles and understand that we all are individuals. Everyone is a person and on their own personal journeys, no matter how famous and non-famous that person is. Photography presents me with different challenges on a daily basis, which helps to keep me motivated. I love seeing the best in people and figuring out a way to help show them through my imagery. 

Five years from now, I would like to be a successful lifestyle shooter, for Entertainers, sports players, and business professionals. I see myself having a strong network and great relationships with people I conduct business with. My biggest asset other than my ability to shoot great photos and create great videos is my personality.

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